If you have duplicate charges on your account, it's likely that your credit card was declined the first time we tried to charge it.
When a charge doesn't go through, our system re-attempts the charge daily until it goes through. Usually, the failed payment still shows up in your bank account as "pending", and will disappear in a couple of days.
Sometimes the charge fails multiple days in a row. For example, if it takes 8 days for the payment to go through, your bank account will show 8 charges; 7 of these charges are "pending" and will disappear, as only one was successful.
What you can do:
Please check your account to see if the extra charges are listed as "pending". These should disappear in a couple of days.
If the extra payments are listed as "posted", please let us know.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at
support@perrymarshall.com or 312-386-7459